Affirming the Life I Desire

Affirming the Life I Desire


Lately, I have been reading a variety of blog posts/instagram posts and pretty much anything else I can get my eyes on from women who have made significant life changes or simple changes to live the life they desire.  One of the things I have noticed that a lot of these women have in common is that they believe in making affirmations. 

In writing this post, I googled the word affirmations, and found that it means: the action or process of affirming something.  The synonyms for the word included; assertion, declaration, statement, proclamation, pronouncement.  Since I've been reading about making affirmations and then doing the work to live the life you want, I've known intrinsically that this is something that I too believe in.  The synonyms strengthened that for me.

Moving back home I didn't really have any significant life goals because I knew I wanted to settle in and find my place as a young woman in The Bahamas before setting any goals because I knew all of them would be big ones.  Now that I have begun to find my place, one of my main goals is to move into my own place, or at least away from my parents.  Something that makes that goal even bigger is the fact that I want to move to Nassau.

I have been verbally affirming this move pretty much since I moved back home, but I haven't done much else because I know this is a goal that relies heavily on other factors.  My goal date of moving that has been set forth by my parents is my birthday - August 21st.  My goal date of moving set by myself is January 2016 as I would like to begin the year in a new place.

I believe that my actual move date will lie somewhere in between, however I believe both of those dates can be significant.  Yes, it's great to begin anew in the new year, but my birthday will make me 25 years old.  I'll be halfway through my 20s, and I think that's a beautiful time to start your own life separate from the life your parents have created for you.

For a little while now, in addition to obviously saving for said move, I have been thinking that I should start buying little things for this new place, as the little things are the things that add up.  I moved into my own place right after undergrad and I was blown away by the things you need to live alone that you don't even think of.  However, I've been spending my money on fun and never really did it.  Now that I'm trying to really get my life together for this move, now seemed like the right time.

Today, after reading another Instagram post from my favorite Instagrammer when it comes to affirming and creating the life you want, I decided to stop by a store and look at the home goods.  After being drawn in to a few items, I decided to purchase some individual pieces of tableware for this future place of my own.  I chose pieces that are in colors I love, because this place will be decorated and completely curated by me for me.  I have been verbally affirming that I want to move and will move; however deciding to purchase items for this place that doesn't necessarily exist yet is another step in affirming my move.

I believe in affirmations.  This year's affirmation and goal is to be own my own.  That is the life I want.  That is my affirmation.


Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm

Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm