Put On Your Lipstick And Hustle

Put On Your Lipstick And Hustle

Once upon a time when I was unemployed, I started thinking about things that could be my side hustle to keep some extra money in my pocket until I got back on my feet. Some people do hair on the side, some people bake, some people plan parties, etc. And for a while I started wondering what my "thing" could be. However, once I rejoined the land of the 9-5, those thoughts evaporated into thin air. Nevertheless, they have returned just a tad.  

There are a lot of ways you can compare Nassau and Freeport, and one huge thing that I have noticed in Nassau is that pretty much everyone here has a side hustle, while in Freeport people are a lot more laid back or passive when it comes to getting other forms of income. Based on conversations I have or things I observe, it seems like I'm the only person in Nassau without at least one hustle separate and apart from my day job. 

Knowing that literally everyone around me is doing something else when they leave the office makes me wonder if it's time to seriously start considering my side hustle. I often think of things that I'm not only good at, but that I also enjoy doing because if I'm going to be doing something when I'm already tired from my day job, it shouldn't feel like work.  

I know a lot of people will say that this can be considered my side hustle. And it is in a way, but it's also my baby. And just like a baby, it sometimes takes more out of me than I benefit from it. 

On the other hand, I do think that comparing what I'm doing to others isn't something I should be doing. Just because I see everyone around me with 2, 3, sometimes 4 side hustles doesn't mean that that's the kind of life I should be leading.  When I see quotes like put on your lipstick an hustle, to me it doesn't mean to work myself to death (because I'm a huge proponent of not overworking yourself), it just means being productive as hell when you do work. 

Even though I don't have multiple jobs, I put on my lipstick and hustle every morning before I head to work, every weekend I decide to go somewhere for the sake of my blog, and every time I open the squarespace app on my phone even if what I write in that moment doesn't get published. And maybe eventually I'll put on my lipstick and hustle for some freelance work or a second or third job. Until then I'll admire those that do and stick to my own version of hustling.  

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